My Story: From Would-Be entrepreneur to successful business owner
Running a business leaves you little time for consistent, high-quality social media and email campaigns. In fact, when I first started Profit Chatter Marketing, I barely had time to post for myself because my clients’ content always came first. I’m sure you can relate. You’re running a business and your main concern right now is knowing your customer is satisfied with your products and services. Once I realized the power of social media marketing, email marketing and blog content, I decided to go all in. I stayed up late focusing on my own accounts. During the day, I was working behind the scenes for my clients. Once my kids were asleep, I brought out my reliable Mac Book and I got to work on my own account. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I learned SO much along the way about the importance of branding, establishing strong messaging, establishing a solid marketing strategy, and building credibility through community.
At Profit Chatter Marketing, we don’t just manage your social media—we develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals, attracts your ideal customers, and frees up your time so you can focus on growing your business.
A little about my journey…
Like many working mothers, I dreamed of a day where I could quit my day job in order to spend more quality time with my family. An entrepreneur at heart, I dreamed of helping others thrive in their own businesses. I quickly realized that in order to get out of my 8-5 job, I would have to make drastic changes. These drastic changes would have to be made by creating a business that I loved while helping others increase their own business.
Both of my Bachelors in Psychology and Communications allowed me to learn more about the science behind marketing, what goes on in someone's mind when they view ads, what ads attract buyers, etc. Many companies are not growing simply because they do not have the knowledge and delegation to do the background work that drives customers into their circle.
I started and quit businesses, not out of failure but because I lacked the knowledge and passion to make them grow. Through my experience as a would-be entrepreneur, I have learned what it takes to become an actual entrepreneur in order to assist others in their journey.
Vision & Mission Statements
To create a space where businesses can learn and grow at their own pace and in their own space. Profit Chatter will create a place where new business owners can remain inspired as they embark on their own entrepreneurial journey.
Almost every market seems saturated but I believe everyone brings something valuable to the table. Everyone has unique experiences and talents that are irreplaceable and invaluable. Creating a space where people feel inspired and encouraged in their own talents and abilities is my passion. Directing people towards their lifelong calling is a privilege and one that Profit Chatter will continue to do for the duration of this business.
Increase your profits in your business while making time for things that matter to you. Book a free consultation today to find a package that suits your business needs and your budget.